Hair Care Routine For Dandruff

How you take care of your hair is a big part of preventing dandruff. The more neglected the hair is, the more chance there is that it will become itchy and flaky. This causes your scalp to itch even more, and this irritation is what leads to flaking, flakes and dryness. There are many different ways to treat your dandruff and some will work better than others depending on the type of hair you have.
Hair Care Routine For Dandruff

The number one thing you can do for dandruff is to stop using your favorite shampoo and use something less aggressive. While dandruff isn't considered a skin disease, it is often associated with dry skin, and therefore your scalp gets irritated. When you choose to not use your favorite shampoo, you have the added benefit of getting rid of the bacteria that lead to the flaking and therefore making dandruff less itchy.

While oil based shampoos are the most common when it comes to dandruff prevention, essential oils can be used as well. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts, sometimes known as carrier oils. They are designed to provide a specific amount of a particular essential oil, such as lavender, which is used for dandruff. The oils are mixed with water to form the dilute oil that is then applied to the scalp.

Essential oils can be used in a number of ways, however. One way is by using them to create homemade shampoo. Using a mixture of lemon juice, lavender oil, witch hazel and salt to create a shampoo that will not only help with dandruff but other skin problems as well, like dry skin and eczema, is a good idea.

Dandruff can also be treated with clay. With this method you use a small amount of clay and place it on the scalp that is handcuffing. This prevents flaking and flakes from building up on the scalp, making it easier to comb out.

Dandruff may be the result of having too much hair, or too many layers of skin on the scalp. This can make your scalp particularly itchy and this leads to the flakes. While oil based shampoos will not always clear up dandruff, they will help to reduce the itching that often comes with the condition.

It has been proven that certain types of foods, including grains, contain hormones that can contribute to dandruff. Since so many people are overweight these days, some people are unaware of the health issues that come along with being overweight. As such many weight loss programs focus on diets that are high in fruits and vegetables, as well as eating more whole grains. Since these foods contain fiber, you can cut down on dandruff and eating more whole grains can help reduce your overall weight.

For those who want to get rid of dandruff, you can opt for an all natural hair care product that doesn't include any dandruff fighting chemicals, because these are less likely to cause drying and itching. A good product that contains aloe, olive oil and shea butter will not only help with dandruff, but can also provide more than enough moisture to make it easier to comb through the hair, without any type of irritation.

You may also read about finding the best hair color for hair.

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