Drinking Water Before and After Balding Is Good For Your Health

Many men, when they are beginning to lose their hair, will drink a glass of water before their morning or evening meal. Some even drink half a glass at breakfast. Then they will continue with the regimen for the rest of the day. And then when they get to bed they will drink a full glass of water.

It's a popular belief that drinking this way will make your hair grow faster. But, drinking water is not a miracle cure to your baldness problem.

Instead it can be detrimental to your overall health and this is what most people don't know - There are ingredients in the drinking water that may inhibit your hair growth. In order to stimulate your hair growth we need to drink water, not water alone.

For our body to produce the proteins required to maintain strong, healthy hair, we need a good, strong ph balance. Drinking water before and after balding will do nothing to support that natural ph balance. Because the PH balance in your scalp is very delicate, a simple change in the amount of potassium in your blood is enough to throw your hair growth system out of whack.

Other reasons why drinking water before and after hair loss is ineffective is because of the fact that too much salt in the water has the opposite effect on your body. Our bodies need a certain amount of sodium to keep us healthy. But too much salt can cause kidney problems and some types of cancer.

Aside from an unhealthy side effect, excessive salt in the water could actually damage your hair follicles. But, even if you are drinking water all day long, there are ways to help improve your PH balance. The best way to improve the PH in your scalp is to use a high quality scalp oil like saw palmetto extract.

When you first start using it you may notice some dry patches on your scalp and this is perfectly normal and it won't affect your hair growth. It takes time for your scalp to adjust to this new oil, but once it does, it will work wonders for your hair.

By drinking a glass of water before and after hair loss you are actually sabotaging your own hair growth by promoting unhealthy scalp conditions. I would suggest avoiding such a practice and using a high quality scalp oil instead.

 Here you find my article on Oil to Hydrate Skin How to Do It. must read.

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