Olive Oil Dangers on Skin

Olive oil is very common in most cooking, but it can also be used for various other purposes. It has a pleasant smell that gives your cooking some oomph and it's also quite rich in vitamins. Unfortunately, it can also cause skin problems due to the fact that it contains volatile fatty acids (VFA). You can also find some causes for olive oil to cause irritation or scarring on your skin.

In most cases, the main cause of skin irritation and inflammation is because of overexposure to a product that contains VFA. Because of this, most people are recommended to only use products that are oil-based that contain high amounts of natural oils like avocado, macadamia or grapeseed. The sun also causes it to become oily, making your skin look especially dry and flaky. It's quite important to apply lotion after you get out of the shower or bath. This will help moisturize your skin while at the same time keep the oil away from it.

One of the main olive oil dangers on skin is caused by the ultra-violet rays (UV) rays. When it comes to sunscreens, they are not as good as they used to be. Too much UV rays are harmful to your skin, so make sure that you only wear sunscreen with an SPF value that's at least thirty to forty.

If you have dry skin, you need to pay attention to your moisturizer. It might sound crazy but buying moisturizers that contain petrolatum can cause dryness. Invest in moisturizers that contain plant oils like almond, hazelnut or coconut.

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One of the olive oil dangers on skin is due to itchy skin. When you use the oil regularly, you need to make sure that you avoid scratching your skin. If you use the oil every day and then scratch your skin, the condition will only get worse and be more prone to itching.

Another of the olive oil dangers on skin is due to the fact that it can cause acne. Using it excessively can cause breakouts. In order to prevent acne, make sure that you use an effective cleanser and also have a healthy lifestyle.

One of the olive oil dangers on skin is due to dehydration. When you continuously use it, your skin is going to get dehydrated. The key to avoiding dehydration is to drink enough water.

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These are just a few of the common causes of inflammation and irritation caused by the oil. Make sure that you use it only when you absolutely need it and only when it's absolutely necessary.

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