Are You Using the Right Type of Arctic Fox Hair Dye?

Arctic Fox hair dye has proven to be one of the most popular dyes and coloring methods in the hair industry. It is a successful way to add some uniqueness to the hair color you wear on a daily basis.

There are three types of Arctic Fox hair dye available on the market. They are designed for different applications. The two most common types are Strong Black and Strong Brown.

The Strong Black hair dye contains more pigment than the Strong Brown version. The use of the Strong Black does not affect the natural color of the hair as much as the Strong Brown does. As a result, you can get a more natural look.

The Strong Brown version of Arctic Fox hair dye is not as dark as the Strong Black version. However, it is less expensive. It offers a slightly darker shade than the Strong Black variety.

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You can also choose to buy the Brown version if you are planning to dye your hair completely brown. This version is designed to be used on a black base. It is ideal for people who have light brown or hazel eyes.

There are some drawbacks to the hair dye with this brand as well. It can't be used to highlight the hair color. For instance, if you want to dye your hair blond, you will need to get a blonde version of Arctic Fox hair dye.

If you go with the brown version, you should make sure that the hair that you are dyeing is clean. While it doesn't really matter whether you have color dye residue in your hair, it may work better if you do. Also, if you go with the Strong Black version, you may want to add more color to your hair to avoid yellowing.

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Both Strong Black and Strong Brown versions of Arctic Fox hair dye are fairly easy to apply and use. However, it may take a little longer to get the desired effect. If you have a professional-looking hair style, you may not want to use these varieties.

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