How Often Should You Wash Your Hair When You Are African American?

If you are black and want to know how often should you wash your hair? Here is a quick overview of some things you should consider before making any final decisions. The short answer is that it depends, but the long answer will be much more specific.

It is not that difficult to figure out how often you should wash your hair when you are African American. The basic rule is the less your hair, the less often you should wash it. So in that regard, if you have really short hair, then you should probably wash it more often than if you have long hair.

However, if you have dry hair, then you should probably avoid washing your hair as much as you can. Dry hair will dry faster and leave your hair looking more lifeless and flaky. The key is to let your hair air dry and protect it from the elements such as wind, heat, and sun exposure.

For those with oily hair, the same advice applies. Moisturize your hair with a good conditioner to help protect it. But try to keep your hair out of the direct sunlight. Heat can dry it out in just a short period of time.

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Other than that, washing your hair on a regular basis is pretty much up to you. You can do it every day or on a more frequent basis. In terms of hot weather, if you work in an office or at home and have to wear a hat or a scarf, then you should use that time to do something else.

I have found that when I am outside for a long period of time on hot summer days, my hair becomes very dry. So I give myself about 15 minutes on my own before heading back inside to get a good amount of water or a head massage. That way, when I return I have plenty of moisture and it is not too dry.

If you have really oily hair, you can use hair spray that has shea butter in it to keep your hair moisturized on hot summer days. This will keep your hair soft and prevent it from drying out. It also will keep it looking nice for much longer.

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So next time you are outside on hot summer days, just remember that you should give your hair a break. Let it breathe and allow it to cool down. After all, your hair needs that time.

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