Reasons For Hair Loss in Men and Women

While many people are unaware of the reasons for hair loss, there are a number of reasons for it. Certain hereditary factors can lead to baldness, but that is not the only thing that causes it. Some environmental factors, especially if you are exposed to them regularly, can cause it as well. These are some of the many reasons for hair loss in men and women alike.

A few inherited hereditary factors are more common in men than in women. These are genetic conditions such as Klinefelter's syndrome, and also conditions that have been passed down from one generation to the next through genes. The normal sequence of X and Y chromosomes in men makes it the most common reason for hair loss in men. However, women can be affected by this as well. It is a known fact that people who have genes that were passed down in their family will suffer from the condition if they inherit them from someone else.

Another genetic factor that can be responsible for hair loss in men is called a balding area in the head. While genetics play a part in hair loss, another factor is often to blame. Stress can have a big effect on hair loss. The cause of hair loss in men and women is much the same, even if the cause is not hereditary.

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In general, stress can affect your hair loss. Research has shown that those who are subjected to high levels of stress have a higher rate of baldness. This can be one of the many reasons for hair loss in men.

Another common reason for hair loss in men is smoking. When you smoke, it can greatly decrease the amount of vitamins that are found in your body. Vitamins B and C are two that are particularly important in hair growth. Smoking affects the hair, just like it does everything else.

Another reason for hair loss in men is the way you wash your hair. You should wash your hair with conditioner, and not hair products. Hair products leave behind a lot of chemicals that may damage your hair.

One of the most common reasons for hair loss in men is dehydration. You should drink plenty of water and use conditioner, as well as water when you need to get it wet. You should also avoid hot water. If you need to get out of the house a lot, take your shower instead of bathing.

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These are just a few of the many reasons for hair loss in men. It does not matter what age you are, you can still lose hair. So don't wait any longer to make changes in your lifestyle. And if you are already losing your hair, make sure you visit your doctor so he can give you some tips on how to stop it.

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