What Causes Frizzy Hair and How Can I Get Rid of It?

Frizzy hair is a problem for many men. It's just one of those things that seem to happen when you grow older and as a result the only option open to you is to try and get rid of it.

In my experience there are two kinds of hair when you're young. These are tousled or frizzy hair. Both can be very frustrating, but I think the difference is quite clear and to simply brush it under the carpet would not be too helpful.

Firstly, it's important to understand that you will be stronger on one side of your head than the other. Even if you've got a very thinning hair, there's a big chance that there will be a lot of dead hair on one side. For instance if you have a really thinning hair, there's a chance that it could fall out and your hair might appear to be fine, when in fact it is actually starting to become more brittle. At the same time if you have tousled hair, the chance of this is higher.

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In order to solve this problem, it's essential to start at the beginning. To begin with you should use a dry shampoo to brush your hair and dry it.

Secondly, if your hair is very dry it could look like it has been cleaned with baby oil or olive oil. You could then rub some styling cream onto your hair. This will help to open up your strands so that they will look fuller.

A modern way of doing this is to use thick towels. Once you have done this then you should spread them across your head and hang them up. You could wrap a towel around your head and hold it in front of your face as you brush your hair, this could make your hair look fuller.

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Another final tip is to use a curling iron that has been pointed down to create a curl and bring your hair to a definite up-and-coming style. This means that you won't have to sit in the hair salon all day to achieve this look, but will only need an hour or so.

In conclusion, frizzy hair is not just for women. Any man who is having difficulty keeping his hair looks on some of these tips to give him a fighting chance.

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